Building the new generation of Digital Healthcare Ecosystems

We have designed an innovative technological approach to include Healthcare Systems in a virtual, distributed, connected environment in which to develop innovative TeleHealth and Precision Medicine Solutions.

What we do

No more barriers

Traditional medical systems are designed vertically so that they can only perform within a defined perimeter of information. Anyway, a contextualized intersection of heterogeneous data acquired from multiple sources can give a much more complete overview of the patient’s status, providing medical staff with valuable diagnostic details.

Futuryng Healthcare horizontally connects machines, devices, systems, processes and people, making data fully interoperable.

Focusing on the patient

In Futuryng’s virtualized Healthcare Ecosystem, everything is built around the patient’s digital replica, which encloses all the related data and interacts with the connected devices or systems.

Main features

Futuryng Healthcare provides tools and functionalities
to innovate the current concept of medical care.

Data Integration

Collecting and correlating data from multiple different sources.

Systems Interoperability

Connecting and sharing information with the entire healthcare ecosystem.

Semantic Intelligence

Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to provide contextualized information.

Collaboration & Learning

Creating a collaborative environment to offer the medical staff a continuous training.

A new healthcare model

Futuryng Healthcare overcomes the existing systems and procedures limitations to develop a new proactive and more accurate medicine.

Did you know that the most efficient healthcare systems get enhanced by digital organisms?